Key Stage 3 Homework
As part of the Year 7, 8 and 9 curriculum at Trinity Academy Grammar, students are required to gain core knowledge in all of their subjects. This knowledge will deepen their understanding of each subject and help them to understand the world around them. At Trinity we understand that acquiring knowledge takes time; this part of the website is dedicated to providing resources to help students revise the content needed each term. In Years 7, 8, and 9, students will be provided with ‘knowledge organisers’ from the following subjects each term:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- Art
- Drama
- French
- Geography
- History
- Literacy
- Music
- PE
- RS
- Technology
- Weekly Wellbeing
As part of their weekly homework, students will be expected to revise from each knowledge organiser. This knowledge will be tested weekly in each subject area, as well as at the end of every term, in the form of a multiple choice test (called ‘the big test’). From the results of these tests students will be able to see which subjects they are performing well in and which subjects they need to focus on.
Our teaching staff monitor revision throughout the term through the weekly homework tasks. Each subject, each week, will set a box to revise. Students are expected to bring this revision to lessons the following week (the teacher will make it clear which lesson the homework is required for). Students should use their planners to keep track of homework.
Students may receive a homework detention if they do not provide evidence of homework or if the homework they produce does not meet the required standard. Examples of this may include: a small amount of homework produced, poor presentation (e.g. on a scrap piece of paper), the wrong box revised.