Form Time
All students in the academy are part of a form group. There are a number of forms in each year group, with each year group having a dedicated pastoral Head of Year. Students usually stay in the same group throughout their time at the academy to help build strong and lasting relationships with peers and form tutors, ensuring that all students are known, valued and understood.
Students are with their form for form time every day. This gives students the daily opportunity to reflect on the academy’s core values of Empathy, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. This is done in a variety of ways – through collective worship, year group assemblies or through our Weekly Wellbeing sessions, which include activities and discussions on topics such as healthy eating, literacy, bullying and environmental issues. The time spent each day in their form group plays a central part in the lives of our students. It develops the students’ emotional and social wellbeing and ensures they receive the pastoral support needed to succeed at the academy.
A core part of form time is working to support one another, and recording successes. Students receive Achievement Points when they meet and exceed expectations, and a Behaviour Point is used to record when a student does not meet expectations. Behaviour Points affect a student’s ability to participate in Rewards Weeks. Points are recorded in planners during form time, along with attendance. All students are expected to strive for 100% attendance, and maintain a minimum of 96%. Support is given to students to help them stay on track, and develop new and more challenging targets when they meet an existing one!
Please contact us if you would like to speak to your child’s Year Leader.
Contacting Form Tutors
Parents/carers have the opportunity to meet tutors at Parental Consultation Evenings to discuss progress and behaviour within the academy and explore where extra support may be needed. Dates for Parental Consultation Evenings are published in the academy calendar. You can also contact your child’s form tutor using the academy’s main telephone number 01422 831011.