Working for Trinity Academy Grammar
Trinity Academy Grammar (TAG) is committed to providing students with the best possible education. We want to attract and retain the best staff to work in a committed, passionate and dedicated team.
Leaders have ensured that all staff have the knowledge, training and support so that all pupils have the chance to succeed. Teaching staff have strong subject knowledge and give clear explanations. Teaching assistants and wider pastoral staff work closely with teachers to ensure that all pupils, including those with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND), receive the help and support they need. – Ofsted 2023
As an academy we have high expectations. We expect staff to challenge students and themselves. We set high standards and aim to display these in all that we do. Working for our academy is rewarding. Our CPD programmes are excellent and offer a range of opportunities for progression. TAG is proud to be part of an ambitious Multi-Academy Trust (MAT). As such, our staff work with some of the best practitioners and leaders in the region. We are keen to work hard to share best practice across the MAT in order to benefit as many children and young people as we can.
Staff value the support and training they receive from school leaders and through the wider trust. Staff know that leaders have their well-being at heart. This includes those at the early stages of their teaching career. – Ofsted 2023
Proud to Be Part of Trinity MAT
We have developed a unique and innovative staffing structure that enables us to provide the very best learning experience for our students. It offers career progression, opportunities to develop and a chance to work on projects and developments that benefit the academy and influence the outcomes of the trust as a whole. Each member of our team makes a difference to the success of our young people. All staff, whether teaching or non-teaching have the opportunity to be a form tutor and take part in our exceptional student support system.
Professional Development
We have invested significantly in the professional development of our staff, offering bespoke CPD programmes for teaching and support staff at all stages of their career. These include a New Staff Induction Programme running throughout the first term for any staff joining the academy, including 10 Minute Tip coaches for the duration of the programme.
100% of staff stated that have found the feedback provided by my 10 Minutes Tips coach useful and I have been able to act upon it.
100% of staff stated that they have received good support and guidance from colleagues, for example Curriculum Leaders, SLT, Mentors, other staff.
The Teaching & Learning team lead regular bespoke CPD, including Practice, for all teaching staff, Teaching Assistants, Learning Mentors and Curriculum Tutors, all of which is underpinned by the latest educational research.
100% of staff say that CPD sessions are well researched and focused on appropriate areas of academy development.
98% of staff say that Practice supports staff in shifting any habits that they might have in their language or actions.
In addition to this, curriculum- and subject-focused CPD is led regularly throughout the term by Curriculum Leaders. All leaders, curricular and pastoral, receive additional weekly leadership development by line managers and through regular group CPD sessions led by the SLT.
100% of Curriculum Leaders say that they receive effective support and guidance from my SLT Link in their weekly line management meeting and this is having a direct impact on their role as a leader.
100% of Curriculum Leaders say that they receive opportunities to reflect, debate and discuss key priorities in Curriculum Leader meetings which, in turn, has a positive impact their role as a leader.
ECT Programme
TAG welcomes Early Career Teachers (ECTs), providing them with an extensive and bespoke two-year induction programme.
Designed to go above and beyond the statutory requirements, our programme not only provides a structured CPD framework guided by Teach First and the ECF, but it is also designed to support the development of our coaches for reciprocal benefit and further the development of the ECT by providing them with an opportunity to complete a leadership project in year two. As well as being assigned a committed and expert coach, all ECTs have access to experienced professionals to support their development and, through the MAT-wide network, there is ample opportunity to share best practice and develop links with other staff at the same career stage.
To what extent do you feel supported by the ECT induction program here at TAG. 100% of ECTs feel supported.
I have found the feedback provided by my coach useful and I have been able to act upon it. 100% of ECTs agreed.
The training I have received supports my mentoring role. 100% of mentors agreed.
I have a strong working relationship with my coach. 100% of ECTs agreed.
ECT Videos
ECT Coaching Sessions and Professional Development
ECT Year 2 Leadership Project
ECT Coaching Development Series
ECT New Staff Induction
Well-being Charter
As a Trust, we recognise the value of promoting well-being across all of our institutions and so have developed our own Trinity Employee Well-being Charter. This document evidences our commitment to the well-being of all and provides examples of how being part of Trinity MAT not only improves your skills and experiences as a professional but will also boost your well-being.
Trinity MAT Well-being Charter
View linkTrain to Teach
Train to Teach with Trinity Institute of Education and The National Institute of Teaching
Are you interested in training to teach in either a Trinity MAT school or one of our partner schools? We run full time and part time School Direct courses in both primary and secondary. The programme will achieve QTS, PGCE and 60 masters credits. E-mail us on: or visit our website: