Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle is defined as ‘the way a person lives’. This can include a person’s interests, opinions, behaviours and culture.

A person’s lifestyle is very individual to them and the way they choose to live their life. Some people may choose to live a healthy and happy lifestyle, where they are aware of what is good for them and bad for them, with a careful balance between the two. Others may choose an unhealthier lifestyle, engaging in more risky and unhealthy behaviours.

In order to have a happy lifestyle with good mental health, you need to try your best to be honest about your emotions and learn how to recognise unhealthy emotions and deal with them appropriately.

When we talk about lifestyle we can also draw on general health and things such as periods, looking after our personal hygiene and also topics that can impact our lives.

Additional Support Tools

There are tips and hints throughout the rest of the ‘Wellbeing’ page to help with this if you feel you need a little more support. Alternatively, please speak to a member of school staff who can help and support with this.

Further Help

If you are struggling to cope on your own and you need support, there are people in school who you can talk to, in a safe and non-judgmental environment. Our wellbeing team offers two types of in-school support, including 1:1 support sessions with a Child Protection and Wellbeing Officer and 1:1 counselling sessions with a School Counsellor. If you would like to know more about in-school support, speak to your Year Leader or email

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