
The curriculum at Trinity Academy Grammar has been designed with the intent of transforming and enriching the lives of our students, to set them up for a happy and successful future.

We aim to transform the lives of our students through our:

  • Delivery of a focused and purposeful curriculum. This has been designed by specialists and is delivered by passionate practitioners to equip students with the knowledge, skills and experiences they need to successfully enter the world of work.
  • Commitment to being a values-driven Academy, placing our core values of empathy, honesty, respect and responsibility at the heart of everything we do. We aim to give all of our students the tools they need to flourish as young adults and continue to contribute positively to society.
  • Dedication to all students leaving us as strong communicators: able to speak clearly, listen effectively, write coherently and understand the value of reading.
  • Relentless focus on ambitious aspirations for all, ensuring that all of our students are given opportunities and experiences that open their eyes to potential new pathways, partnered with the knowledge and skills required to achieve their goals.

We aim to transform the lives of our students by:

  • Ensuring that high quality teacher instruction is at the heart of teaching and learning.
  • Ensuring recall and interleaving of content and acquisition of new knowledge is a priority.
  • Ensuring strong routines at all times contribute to a safe and purposeful environment.
  • Removing barriers for all to allow them to leave us as well-rounded citizens who are able to positively contribute to society, with sufficient skills for future employment and education.
  • Providing opportunities for cultural experiences, linked to our curriculum.

At Trinity Academy Grammar, we take a holistic view of the curriculum: Curriculum strands

The curriculum design and delivery take into account the organisations duties under the Equalities Act 2010 and the SEND Regulations 2014.

For additional information on our curriculum please contact the school and ask to speak to the relevant curriculum leader or the senior leader with oversight of curriculum across the school

Exam Boards

Below are the current exam boards for GCSE subjects at Trinity Academy Grammar:

Board Exam Level Code Qualification Exam Option
OCR GCSE J247 Biology A (Gateway Science) (OCR J247) Biology A (gateway Science) – Fnd
OCR GCSE J247 Biology A (Gateway Science) (OCR J247) Biology A (gateway Science) – Hgh
OCR GCSE J248 Chemistry A (Gateway Science) (OCR J248) Chemistry A (gateway Science) – Fnd
OCR GCSE J248 Chemistry A (Gateway Science) (OCR J248) Chemistry A (gateway Science) – Hgh
OCR GCSE J250 Combined Science A (OCR J250) Combined Science A (gateway) – Fnd
OCR GCSE J250 Combined Science A (OCR J250) Combined Science A (gateway) – Hgh
OCR GCSE J277 Computer Science Computer Science
OCR GCSE J249 Physics A (Gateway Science) (OCR J249) Physics A (gateway Science) – Fnd
OCR GCSE J249 Physics A (Gateway Science) (OCR J249) Physics A (gateway Science) – Hgh
Edexcel GCSE GCSE 1MA1 Mathematics (EDEXL 1MA1) Mathematics Option F
Edexcel GCSE GCSE 1MA1 Mathematics (EDEXL 1MA1) Mathematics Option H
Edexcel GCSE GCSE 1RU0 Russian Russian Option H
AQA GCSE 8201 Art & Design (art, Craft & Des) Art & Design (art,craft & Des)
AQA GCSE 8206 Art & Design (photography) Art & Design (photography)
AQA GCSE 8132 Business Business
AQA GCSE 8700 English Language (AQA 8700) English Language
AQA GCSE 8702 English Literature (AQA 8702) English Literature
AQA GCSE 8658 French (AQA 8658) French Tier F
AQA GCSE 8658 French (AQA 8658) French Tier H
AQA GCSE 8035 Geography (AQA 8035) Geography
AQA GCSE 8145 History (AQA 8145) History Tc
AQA GCSE 8633 Italian Italian Tier H
AQA GCSE 8688 Polish Polish Tier H
AQA GCSE 8061 Religious Studies (short Course) Religious Studies (sc) Opt D
AQA GCSE 8062 Religious Studies A Religious Studies A Option Aa
AQA GCSE 8062 Religious Studies A Religious Studies A Option Ab
AQA GCSE 8062 Religious Studies A Religious Studies A Option Ma
AQA GCSE 8648 Urdu Urdu Tier H
AQA EL 5970 Step Up To English Step Up To English (gold)
AQA EL 5970 Step Up To English Step Up To English (silver)
Pearson BTEC TA BCD03 Child Development Supporting Children to Play, Learn and Develop
Pearson BTEC TA BCM03 Creative Media Production Create a Media Product
Pearson FS FSEng FSEng Functional Skills English Entry 1
Pearson BTEC TA BHS03 Health & Social Care Health and Wellbeing
AQA GCSE Pt1124 Photography Photography
AQA GCSE Pt1124 Photography Photography TACM
OCR CNAT J822 Engineering Design Engineering Design
OCR CNAT R038 Enginring:prncpl Engnring Dsgn Enginring:prncpl Engnring Dsgn
OCR CNAT R039 Engnrng: Communicating Designs Engrng: Cmmnctng Designs Mod Upld
OCR CNAT J829 Sport Studies Sport Studies
OCR CNAT R184 Sport Studies: Cntmpry Issues Sprt Sport Studies: Cntmpry Issues Sprt
OCR CNAT R187 Sport Studies: Outdr Advntrs Actvts Sprt Stds:outdr Advntrs Act Mod Upld
WJEC GCSE WTA 5409QA Hospitality & Catering L1/2 Hosp & Catering Tech Award Cash-in
WJEC GCSE WTA 5409UB Hospitality&catering Unit1 Paper New Hosp & Catering Industry Paper New
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