Careers Education - Future First

In line with our whole school intent, we ensure that our students leave us with the knowledge, skills and experiences they need to successfully enter the world of work. We have a relentless focus on ambitious aspirations for all, ensuring our students are given opportunities and experiences that open their eyes to potential new pathways, partnered with the knowledge and skills required to flourish in this environment. Careers education, information and guidance (CEIAG) programmes make a significant contribution to meeting these aims.

The CEIAG programme at Trinity Academy Grammar, ‘Future First’, runs through all year groups from Year 7 to Year 11, supporting students in making informed choices about their future. Enhanced CEIAG takes place at key transition points in Years 9 and 11. We support students in Year 9 as they make their option choices for KS4. In Year 11 we ensure students have an appropriate destination in place for their post-16 education.

Our intention is that, through our careers education programme, ‘Future First’, our students develop:

  • A broad understanding of the world of work and an ability to respond to changing opportunities.
  • Independent research skills so that they can make good use of information and guidance.
  • The skills they need to review achievements, plan future actions, make decisions, present themselves well and cope with change and transition.

We work towards an overall target for each year group focused on; Forged Ahead, Inspired, Research, Secure, and Transition. Our careers programme is designed to work towards these aims with further details outlined below, along with examples of the implementation for each year group.

Year 7 – Forge ahead with your future

  • Trips and guest speakers linked to careers
  • Graduation

Year 8 – Be inspired for your future

  • Graduation challenge linked to careers investigations
  • Visit to university
  • Trips and guest speakers linked to careers

Year 9 – Research your future

  • YOU challenge linked to careers and job roles
  • Careers fair
  • All parents invited to a one-to-one interview with a member of the senior leadership team to discuss their options.

Year 10 – Secure your future

  • Experience of the world of work for all students, linked to their options subjects.
  • Careers fair
  • One-to-one careers appointments for students with SEND, along with students who would benefit from an early referral appointment.

Year 11 – Transition into your future

  • All students have at least one one-to-one careers appointment with our independent, level-6 trained careers advisers.
  • A visit to a university for all students.
  • Weekly Wellbeing session linked to CV writing, post-16 options and the application process.
  • Mock interviews

This is just a flavour of our careers support, which is embedded in our curriculum. There are termly careers weeks that clearly link the work students complete in the classroom with a range of careers. Students are advised on how they would access careers they are interested in. We also have careers champions, which are a sub group of Student Leadership, who lead and support careers weeks and initiatives.

We work with a range of partners to deliver our careers programme, including C&K Careers, The Careers and Enterprise Company, and a variety of local employers. C&K Careers offer students impartial careers advice; for more information on the service they offer and how to get in touch with an adviser please read the following introductory document or visit

Click here for more information on the C&K careers advisers

Parents are invited to careers information events throughout the year as well as C+K and local colleges attending parents and carers events for Years 10 and 11.

We measure and assess the impact of our careers programme through a variety of means. These include:

  • Analysis of our destinations data
  • Student voice
  • Staff voice.
  • Peer reviews and external reviews

If you are an employer or provider that would like to speak to or work with our students to raise aspirations, or if you have any questions regarding our careers strategy then please contact

We aim to raise aspirations, challenge stereotypes and encourage students to consider a wide range of careers. Through careers education and guidance it is hoped that students will be encouraged to make the most of their talents and go on to jobs or courses which suit their needs and abilities.

C+K Have a Chat

If you are a young person living in Calderdale or Kirklees and need careers information, advice and guidance but are unable to get in touch with your C+K careers adviser in school, you can also talk to a C+K adviser via the C+K Chat service. Advisers can help with your next steps including:

· choosing subjects in Year 8 or Year 9

· exploring post-16 or post-18 options

· applications to sixth form or college

· applications for jobs and apprenticeships

· writing a CV

· information about different courses, careers and qualifications.

You can contact a C+K careers adviser via the Chat service, Monday to Friday between 10am and 4pm. There are lots of ways to contact the Chat service:

· call: 01484 213856 · email: · or use our Facebook messenger service:

For all the ways that you can develop your skills and work towards your future career goals whilst at TAG look through the opportunities to climb the careers ladder. More information about these various initiatives are posted on our social media page throughout the year.

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