Why is the subject important?

The PE curriculum gives students an opportunity to explore a range of different sports and activities in line with the national curriculum. Students will develop motor competence and understand rules, tactics and strategies in a range of sports. They will also understand how to lead a healthy active lifestyle and why this is important.

Our curriculum enables students to develop not only as a performer but also as a leader; developing skills such as self-management, self-belief, problem solving, communication and teamwork.

At KS4, PE is not only academically rich in terms of our examined sport course, but core PE provides students with the opportunity to identify a sport that they can engage in, and develop a love of physical activity whilst promoting enjoyment for lifelong participation. There is also a strong focus on preparing students for the outside world, which is driven by our core values.

Year 7

What will I be studying?

Students have a varied curriculum and will participate in the following sports for 4-week blocks:

Students can choose which sport they partake in, it is not split by gender.

  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Handball
  • Fitness & OAA
  • Table Tennis
  • Gymnastics
  • Leadership
  • Cricket
  • Athletics
  • Netball
  • Dance
  • Rounders.

Career Links

Careers: Career pathways in health and fitness, sports science, coaching and leadership, nutrition and wellbeing, and performance conditioning.

Employability skills: Personal development centres around the top five employability skills (Sports Leaders UK): self-management, self-belief, communication, teamwork, problem solving.

How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed on their knowledge and performance of each activity. A scale score from 1-6 is used to assess performance for each sport and the components that comprise them. Knowledge is tested weekly during class recall, and termly in Masters of Recall assessments, in line with whole school.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

What will I be studying?

Students have a varied curriculum and will participate in the following sports for 4-week blocks:

Students can choose which sport they partake in, it is not split by gender.

  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Handball
  • Fitness & OAA
  • Table Tennis
  • Gymnastics
  • Leadership
  • Cricket
  • Athletics.

Career Links

Careers: Career pathways in health and fitness, sports science, coaching and leadership, nutrition and wellbeing, and performance conditioning.

Employability skills: Personal development centres around the top five employability skills (Sports Leaders UK): self-management, self-belief, communication, teamwork, problem solving.

How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed on their knowledge and performance of each activity. A scale score from 1-6 is used to assess performance for each sport and the components that comprise them. Knowledge is tested weekly during class recall, and termly in Masters of Recall assessments, in line with whole school.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

What will I be studying?

Students have a varied curriculum and will participate in the following sports for 4-week blocks:

Students can choose which sport they partake in, it is not split by gender.

  • Football
  • Rugby
  • Handball
  • Fitness & OAA
  • Table Tennis
  • Gymnastics
  • Leadership
  • Cricket
  • Athletics.

Career Links

Careers: Career pathways in health and fitness, sports science, coaching and leadership, nutrition and wellbeing, and performance conditioning.

Employability skills: Personal development centres around the top five employability skills (Sports Leaders UK): self-management, self-belief, communication, teamwork, problem solving.

How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed on their knowledge and performance of each activity. A scale score from 1-6 is used to assess performance for each sport and the components that comprise them. Knowledge is tested weekly during class recall, and termly in Masters of Recall assessments, in line with whole school.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

What will I be studying?

We run a pathway system in Years 10 and 11 which allows the students to take ownership of which sports and activities they participate in by catering to different interests. The individual pathway involves fitness and OAA activities, net sports, aesthetic activities and athletics, all of which attract students who are motivated intrinsically through independent physical activity, perhaps for personal goal setting in fitness and health. This enables students to feel empowered and to access the physical activities which best motivates them, in order to reach the main aim of engagement and enjoyment throughout the curriculum experience and therefore lifelong participation.

The activities on offer include:

  • Table Tennis
  • Fitness
  • Athletics
  • Gymnastics
  • Rounders
  • Trampolining
  • Cheerleading
  • Cycling
  • Football
  • Handball
  • Rugby
  • Netball
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Volleyball
  • Multi-games.

OCR Cambridge National in Sport Studies from 2022

Unit 1: Contemporary issues in sport

Unit 2: Performance and leadership in sports activities

Unit 3: Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities

R184: Contemporary issues in sport

In this unit, students will learn about a range of topical and contemporary issues in sport, relating to participation levels and barriers, promotion of values and ethical behaviour, the role of high-profile sporting events, the role of national governing bodies, and how technology is used within sport.

R185: Performance and leadership in sports activities

In this unit, students will learn how to develop their skills as both a performer, in two different sporting activities, and as a leader in one activity. As a leader they will have the opportunity to plan, deliver and review safe and effective sporting activity sessions. They also have the opportunity to develop a range of transferable skills.

Students will work both independently and as part of a team, including communicating with team mates as well as being in front of an audience when they perform. They will perform under pressure, both as a participant and as a leader, and will use their initiative to solve problems and make decisions. They will also deal with rapidly changing conditions and situations.

R187: Increasing awareness of outdoor and adventurous activities

In this unit, students will learn how to find out information about what opportunities there are in their local area, as well as nationally in the UK, for all different types of activities. They will learn how you can benefit from and enjoy activities safely by finding out what equipment, clothing, facilities and technology you need, as well as completing planning to help keep them safe.

Career Links

Careers: Career pathways in health and fitness, sports science, coaching and leadership, nutrition and wellbeing, and performance conditioning.

Employability skills: Personal development centres around the top five employability skills (Sports Leaders UK): self-management, self-belief, communication, teamwork, problem solving.

We also run the Sports Leaders UK leadership awards through KS4.

Promoting personal development with students is offered routinely to students each lesson. When promoting it, we always refer to the following question, ‘How can you apply this in the wider world that we live in?’. This allows them to reflect on how PE can impact them positively in later life such as employment.

How will I be assessed?

Students are assessed against our core values: Empathy, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility. This is reflected within students’ attitude to learning scores.

Which websites should I use to support my learning?

Link to club links on school website, see also club links displayed in PE.

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