Key Stage 4 Homework Folders
As part of the Key Stage 4 curriculum, students in Years 10 & 11 will be provided with a homework folder. All homework is based on core knowledge which allows students to develop a deeper understanding of concepts taught in class. Knowledge is interleaved to ensure frequent opportunities for retrieval practice to strengthen long-term memory. In turn, this reduces working load in the application of this knowledge.
There are homework sheets for all of the following subjects:
- English
- Maths
- Science
- French
- Geography
- History.
Students will be expected to hand in their homework every morning by placing their completed homework sheets into the homework boxes on student street when they arrive at school. Their homework sheet must be clearly labelled with their name and student number. There is space for this at the top of each homework sheet.
Failure to hand in their homework will result in a same day detention. There is also an expectation that homework is completed to the highest possible standard, and teachers are able to issue detentions if they are unhappy with the quality of the completed work. If this is the case, the classroom teacher will have a conversation with the student so they are aware of the detention and the reason for it being issued. Any student who believes they have a homework sheet missing from their folder can find all sheets below and should use these to complete all homework.
Our home learning policy is in place to ensure that all students have an opportunity to recall core knowledge and revise previously taught content. It is an integral part of our curriculum and is planned carefully by Curriculum Leaders to work alongside the current classroom learning.
If you have any questions regarding our home learning policy, please do not hesitate to contact the Assistant Principal for Curriculum, Rebecca Stothers, at